Saturday, February 26, 2011

Word Lens [FULL DLC] v1.0 **FREE ON ITUNES**

DescriptionInstantly translate printed words from one language to another with your built-in video camera, in real time! Use Word Lens on vacation, business travel, and just for fun.

Language pairs currently available with in-app purchase:
- Spanish to English (Launch Sale: 50% Off - expires Dec 31)
- English to Spanish (Launch Sale: 50% Off - expires Dec 31)

Try out the included modes first so you can see the technology in action:
- Reverse Words (spell all words backwards)
- Erase Words (advanced digital white-out technology)

Word Lens gives you translation on the go:
- NO NETWORK required - results appear immediately on your video screen when you need it, anywhere in the world.
- Easy to use, like the regular camera
- Look up translations by typing them in, too

Get the best quality out of your translations:
- best used on clearly printed text (e.g. signs, menus)
- does NOT recognize handwriting or stylized fonts
- it's not perfect, but you can get the general meaning!
- keep text in focus by holding it at least one hand-length away

Device requirements:
- iPhone 4, iPhone 3gs, or iPod Touch with video camera
- iOS 4.0 or later
*** iPhone 3gs and iPod Touch do not have zoom or flash light features
*** iPod Touch camera does not have auto-focus feature

We'd love to hear your feedback! Email us at:


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